Invasive bladder tumors can range from t2 spread to the main muscle wall below the lining all the way to t4 tumor spreads beyond the bladder to nearby organs or the pelvic side wall.
What causes thickening of the bladder wall in cats.
We all love our cats which is why it is important to do everything we can for them.
Your cat has just had a bladder infection.
During this time and even now i have to go to the bathroom especially at night between 6 to 9 times.
Now the vet says she has a thickened bladder wall.
Cat bladder thickening is a symptom rather than a disease.
Lymph node involvement ranges from n0 no cancer in lymph nodes to n3 cancer in many lymph nodes or in one or more bulky lymph nodes larger than 5 cm.
Interstitial cystitis ic is a painful condition in which the bladder wall becomes irritated and inflamed.
It sounds worse than the uti.
It becomes stiff and cannot hold even the smallest amount of urine and hence the frequent urination 5 to 10 percent of the people who have this condition will develop bladder ulcers.
Her first uti urinary tract infection.
Bladder wall thickening is more common in women than in men and children.
Bladder wall thickening causes.
He may have explained but you still feel in the dark.
As a result of certain conditions the bladder wall thickens.
Interstitial cystitis in cats feline interstitial cystitis fic feline interstitial cystitis sometimes called feline idiopathic cystitis or fic is an inflammation of the bladder that causes symptoms of lower urinary tract disease.
The urinary bladder is a pouch that collects urine from the kidneys.
I have been suffering for years due to an enlarged prostate and last year i had prostatectomy.
Common causes of bladder wall thickening include.
One of the findings is mild trabecular thickening of the urinary bladder.
Thickened bladder wall causes could be any of the following.
It is important you treat this right away so that it does not become a bigger problem in the future.
Feline lower urinary tract disease flutd is a term describing conditions that can affect the urinary bladder and or urethra the lower urinary tract of cats.
The chronic irritation causes scarring of the bladder wall and this is why it thickens.
What the heck is cat bladder thickening anyway.
Although many different diseases can affect the lower urinary tract frustratingly a number of cats develop a disease without any obvious underlying cause so called feline idiopathic cystitis or fic.
Inflammation due to urinary tract infection can cause thickening.
Feline bladder thickening is a symptom that can lead to further problems in your cat.
However in the case of interstitial cystitis a definitive cause for the disease cannot be identified.